“Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”

- Buddha


Everyone has a story…..

If you are here, you are looking for help. I’m glad you have taken the first and most important step.

Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, even the strongest people amongst us need a little bit of help to work through some of life’s more challenging problems. Everyone has battles to fight and hurdles to overcome at some point. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, or any other issue, you should know that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

The best vision is insight
-Malcom Forbes


About Jane M Floyd, PsyD

If what brought you here involves relationship struggles, grief, higher levels of anxiety or worry, life stage transitions, a sadness or the unknown of how to cope – perhaps I can help. My practice specializes in treating individuals and couples from emerging young adults and beyond.

Developing a belief in oneself is the keystone foundation for achieving growth. I’ve been described by clients as one with a gentle spirit; yet, will hold you accountable toward life change. Please read on to learn how we might work together.

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